I figured this whole AppleTalk, Monty Python thing was becoming confusing so I decided to create a single chapter explaining it. Apple Developers have had a long time love for Monty Python (haven't we all) and wanted to somehow put it in the System. I assume at the time AppleTalk looked like a good victim. So, most things involving AppleTalk took on Monty Python in some way or another.
Let me clear up what is explained below: AppleShare (allows AppleTalk communication) was code named Holy Hand Grenade. File Sharing (allows files to be transferred over an AppleTalk network) was code named Killer Rabbit (the HHG killed the Killer Rabbit). A part of File Sharing called AppleShare PDS shows the Killer Rabbit icon. FileSharing PDF files have the icon of the Holy Hand Grenade. The entire System 7 AppleTalk project was named, appropriately, Holy Grail.
AppleShare (3.5)
AppleShare Code Name: Holy Hand Grenade
In the STR# Resource, ID -2003, String 4, of the AppleShare extension it says "Oh, most heinous!"
In the 'Strs' resource, IDs -1906 and -1905 it says "(Bogus - call x3683)". Ô£ø"3683" is the phone extension to Arman Maghbouleh, at Apple.
AppleShare PDS
If you have ever used FileSharing on your Mac there should be an invisible icon on your desktop that looks like a rabbit with fangs and shades. That icon is named "Killer Rabbit" after the blood-sucking character from the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". To see it, simply open your hard drive with ResEdit and in the first window there should be something called Apple Share PDS (Parallel Data Structure). Open that and go to the ICON resource.
Note: If you have System 7, or AppleShare 3.0, the icon is on the PDF inside the File Sharing folder, in the Preferences folder, in the System folder. In the cases of write-protected or read-only volumes (such as CD-ROMs), the Mac writes visible PDF files to the startup disk. These files are used to help manage file sharing and they have an icon of a Killer Rabbit.
Incidentally, the Killer Rabbit is stored as ICN# resource 20002 of the File Sharing Extension.
Ô£øAlso, make the AppleShare PDS icon visible and Get Info for the file. The document type is known as "Frankenstein PDF document".
Holy Hand Grenade!!!
ARA Code Name: 976 (the prefix for many phone-sex hotlines)
From: Kevin Garrett (Level6@aol.com)
Ô£øThe Holy Hand Grenade icon, seen above, appears on files in the File Sharing folder, in the Preferences folder, on all computers. All of them will end with the letters "PDF". I don't know the exact use of these PDF files but I do know they will appear for every CD-ROM disc you put in your Mac just as long as you have FileSharing on. Once the HHG is there you will most definitely find it in other places. From: George Halldin (Torgo42@aol.com)
In the german File Sharing Extension D1 7.6.1 (called "File Sharing
Erweiterung") the "Holy Hand Grenade" icon is in an ICN# resource with the ID 20002. From: Hans Altmeyer (100766.2060@compuserve.com)
File Sharing (7.6.2)
File Sharing Code Name: Killer Rabbit
The development name for File Sharing was Killer Rabbit. The File Sharing Extension's creator was 'hhgg', standing for Holy Hand Grenade which killed the Killer Rabbit.